
Donnerstag, 15. August 2013

D-14: New Piercing~ & Shopping

Didn't do that much today ^^

After school I went for lunch with Isabell and leter on we took the subway to Angujeong.

We were searching for Nana's Piercing and surprisingly we found it! After some time hehehe
And after comparing the card we had with google maps ^^'
Needed some time to figure everything out haha

The shops pretty small actually but really nice~
They have so much different styles in there :)

I got piercing number 4 for aproximately 11€
In Germany I payed around 70 for ONE! (and I had three already ^^')
P.S. The green one's new 3

Uh it doesn't even hurt ;)
They really did a good job ^^
Think I'll get some more keke

Later on we went to Myeongdong.
I searched something for a friend in Germany
but somehow no shop had it...
They even told me they don't sell this Oo

And then we started shopping.
I needed some cloth becuase I only had like 4 T-Shirts, 2 Pants and 2 Skirts. Definitely not enought for hot seoul weather! ><
So I got myself 3 dresses. The white ones VERY special!
The bottom is like knitted and the top like a cotton vest with a hood~ :3
Oh I love it! Can't wait for the weather to get cooler so I can wear it.

And also 1 skirt and 1 T-Shirty Style Shirt X"DD

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