
Montag, 19. August 2013

D-17: B.A.P Live On Earth In Seoul

After a VERY short night I got up at 4:30 AM to catch the first subway X’D

Sneaked out oft he flat so noone wakes up because of me kkk

Met my friend at the subway which was full of drunk and sleeping people from Hongdae Xx

After about an hour we arrived at Olympic Park an everyone was running like crazy to be first lol

Well we arrived at the hall and there were only about 30 people in frot of us but towards the other direction it kept getting longer and longer :)
We just made ourselves comfortalbe on a blanked and I slept some more. Yes sleeping is what I can do best hehe
When the sun came out I put up an umbrella and slept again X’D

p.s. this pic is from about 7AM; sale started at 11AM

Oh there was an insect incident ^^
Everyone was running and screaming so I woke up without knowing what happened Xx
There was a GIGANTIC insect right next to me which scared everybody away (even the guy in front of us ran away like a pussy haha)
Ah I was to tired to run so I just killes it with my shoe hehe
The fun thing: EVERYONE around me was clapping.
I was like huh did I do something unbelievable and great? @.@
Well whatever I went to sleep right after it

At about half past 10 the que was ordered for merchandise.
Oh gosh there were SO many off sellers there….
And they were ALL in front of me
I thought  I might not get everything I wanted Oo
But I did :3
T-Shirt (Limited)




Key Ring (Limited)

CD (Signed & Limited)

Nana bought even more haha

We then took everything home shwoered and ate something before we went back to the hall again :]
We got our tickets and participated in an ‚Baby Angel‘ Event.
For a little donation you could win stuff like CD’s etc.
Well I didn’t win but I got a nice ‚WANTED‘ stamp on my ticket, a baby angel card and a fanchant sheet ^^

Entrance queing started at 4:30 PM
During the waiting time MANY fanpages handed out their cards I ended up getting 9 Oo

Inside the hall was just CHAOS!
I swear I’ve never seen such crazy fans!
That was not just the regulat battle for good spots. No it was WAR!
In front of me there were two japanese freaks with neon signs…. Behind us there war a 1.87 tall chinese girl. This girl I wanted to kill her! EVERYONE in our area wanted to LOL
She just pushed everyone away and got herself a spot in 2nd row!
kodijgauihgüweofiahrgu ALL OF YOU FREKAS JUST DIEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!
*speaks lot’s of curses!!!* *wish I had laser eyes*

During the concert I hit her so many times caus she was right in front of me and I just could not see anything…..
Haha the japanese girls hit her to lol

The first half oft he concert was really bad since I didn’t see anything….
not even the monitors ._.
Later I managed to get a little behind and I saw more.
Actually the concert was good~
But the fans made it the second worst concert form me I’ve ever been to….
While I was stuck in there I just thought „That’s gonna be my first and last B.A.P concert ever“
But it’s actually not their fault that their fans are THAT crazy and unfair…

Especially this chinese bitch! -.-*

After the concert me and Min wanted to eat some samkyeobsal but the shop was closed! How come it’s closed on sutardays at 10 PM?!?!

AH we wandered around and wanted to get some meet from this street sellers but when we reaced… yap he just closed… -.-

So we ate chicken instead ^^‘

And because there’s no subway going at 11:45 PM……
I had to walk home Oo
How comes there‘s no freaking subway at this time?!?!?
GOSH I just don’t understand…..

This country‘s just crazy…. X"D

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